- Business before pleasure as the saying go. 正如俗话讲的那样,先工作后娱乐。
- "Business before pleasure,"as the man say when he kiss his wife. 男的给了自己的妻子一个吻之时说:“先干活而后再去享乐吧”。
- "Business before pleasure, " as the man say when he kiss his wife. 男的给了自己的妻子一个吻之时说:"先干活而后再去享乐吧"。
- "Business before pleasure," as the man said when he kissed his own wife. 男的给了自己的妻子一个吻之时说:“先干活而后再去享乐吧。”
- Business before pleasure. 先工作,后娱乐。
- " business before pleasure," as the man said when he kissed his wife. 男的给了自己的妻子一个吻之时说:“先干活而后再去享乐吧”。
- We ought to consider of the business before taking it over. 在接手这桩事情之前我们应该仔细考虑一下。
- I came on business before,but this time I'm here to sightsee. 我以前是来出差的,但是这一次是来观光的。
- I came on business before, but this time I'm here to sightsee. 我以前是来出差的,但是这一次是来观光的。
- The shops are very busy before the Spring Festival. 春节前商店里十分繁忙。
- Bush had made up his mindto go into business before he left college. 布什大学毕业之前,就已打算去经商。
- Congress passed a number of other measures in a frenetic session to wrap up business before the August recess. 美国国会经过激烈讨论,决定在八月休会之前通过一系列列法案来解决商业问题。
- The need to record accrued liabilities arises from the fact that certain expenses are incurred by the business before they are actually paid. 记录应计负债是因为企业的某些费用总是在其实际支付之前发生。
- Having your own business has become very cool; having your own business before your 20th birthday indescribably so. 自己开业变得超酷;在20岁生日前创业更是不可一世。
- You need to understand the underlying business before you can develop a prototype that will support it. 在你开发一个模型支持某商业运作之前,你需要理解该商业运作的情况。
- These business roles must still offer some added value to a business before it decides to associate with a given role and adopt the technology. 这些商业角色在决定与给定的角色进行联合并采用技术之前,必须还要为商业提供一些附加值。
- One last thing, I'm still not ready for that soul weighing malarkey. I have some unfinished business before I hokey cokey with Anubis. Help me. 最后一件事,我还没准备好灵魂的称量。在我去见死神阿努比斯前,我还有一些没完成的事要做。帮帮我。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。
- It is true that Cicero would have used agendum to refer to a single item of business before the Roman Senate, with agenda as its plural. 在罗马元老院之前西塞罗确实就已经在用agendum 来指一个议事日程,而用 agenda 作为复数。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。